This is the story from Indian mythology, the story of Dhruva, the little boy who became the Pole Star, and of his protectors, the Seven Rishis(monks) who forever circle round him in the sky.
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long time ago, there lived a king called Uttanapada. King had two queens, Suniti and Suruchi. Queen Suniti was good and kind and gentle. She had a little son called Dhruva. Queen Suruchi, the younger queen, was very beautiful, but proud. Suruchi, too, had a son named Uttama.
Suruchi was determined that her son Uttama should be king when he grew up. But since Dhruva was the older son, he was more likely to be made king. So Suruchi decided to get rid of Suniti and her baby son Dhruva.
Now, Suruchi was also the King's favourite queen. Uttanapada loved her for her beauty, and was willing to do anything to make her happy. So Suruchi made him banish Suniti and Dhruva into the forest, far away from the royal palace. Suniti lived quietly in the forest, bringing up her little son, who soon grew to be a bright, clever little boy. One day, when Dhruva was seven, he asked Suniti, 'Ma, who is my father?'
Suniti smiled sadly. 'The great King Uttanapada himself is your father, Dhruva,' she said. 'He lives far away in the royal palace.'